For NiniB Loyalty Account Members placing orders directly from our website, we offer free ground shipping on all domestic orders. Once orders are received in our system, our team will pack and speedily ship out your order. Please note that orders are shipped during business days only, which are Monday – Friday, excluding holidays. We offer expedited services for additional costs if you require your order sooner. If you would like expedited service, those costs are calculated at the time of checkout based on your priority needs. Please note postal mailing addresses are only accepted at this time; unfortunately, we cannot ship to P.O. Boxes at this time. Once your order is placed, we are unable to make mailing changes, so we ask that you please reconfirm your mailing address before payment.
Once your order ships, you will receive an email with your order invoice and tracking information. Please use the carrier’s tracking number to receive updates on your order. If you have registered to be a NiniB BaeB loyalty member, you will be able to log into your account, enter your order number and review updates. If you have any questions or don’t receive your tracking information, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. Please include your name and order number so we can help track your order.
We are sorry that your order wasn’t to your satisfaction and ask that you please email us at [email protected] to let us know why. This will help us in our efforts to better serve you and other customers in the future. All full-priced, unused bags, may be returned within 30 days from the date of purchase. A refund for your purchased order amount, less the return shipping cost, will be refunded back to you once we receive and inspect your return. Your partial refund, (purchase price less return shipping cost), will be refunded to the original form of payment. NiniB will absorb the shipping cost to you. Returned items must be in the exact same condition as they were received. Please note that a refund is not guaranteed if the merchandise is found to be damaged, shows signs of wear, or is without original tags and packaging. Upon receipt, returns are processed, and either exchanges or refunds will be made. Please note that final sales items are not eligible for return. Please follow the return section to start your return process.
We are sorry that you received your item damaged. Our staff inspects every item before it leaves for shipping. In the unlikely event that you have received an item that is damaged or incorrect, please notify us immediately so we can offer a return, replacement, refund, or credit. We ask that damaged items be reported within five (5) days of receipt to investigate with our shipping carrier. Please report damages via email to [email protected] and include your name and order number so we can contact you speedily.
We offer a 30 day return policy for unused merchandise. Please review our shipping and returns page for more information about returns. If all requirements are met, please visit our Start a Return tab at the bottom of our Home page to start your return process.
Your only charge will be for shipping the item back to us. NiniB absorbs the cost of shipping the item to you.
Please notify us and your carrier as soon as possible. Our NiniB bags are shipped secured, but sometimes damages do happen. We will return or exchange your bag should it arrive damaged.
No. the patent design is exclusively for the NiniB brand.
NiniB Fashion Accessories, LLC
334 East Lake Road, Suite 285
Palm Harbor, Florida 34685